is our
In order to tranform our exquisite raw materials into products of excellent taste, we use modern technolgies that live up to the natural quality of the original product and preserve its originality for our customers. Therefore, we demand as superb a quality of our production facilities as we do of our products.
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is our
We pay great attention to high social standards, across our European borders. Therefore, we offer our customers a range of fair trade certified products that are produced under humane working conditions and for which the workers have received fair wages.
is our
Earth is the basis of all of life. As a wholesaler of raw food materials, we shoulder a special responsibility to care for earth and to preserve it for generations to come. Therefore, Atriplex has been certified organic since its beginning and has been Naturland certified since 2019. In the future, we will continue our efforts to increase the amount of products that come from organic farming.
Our certificates
Naturland certified
Naturland is one of the biggest ecological organisations worldwide: Currently, about 65.000 Naturland producers in 56 countries all over the world are keeping house in conformity with the guidelines of the organisation. Social guidelines are mandatory for every company within the Naturland network.
Our certificates
EU-Organic certified
Organic farming is an agricultural method that aims to produce food using natural substances and processes. This means that organic farming tends to have a limited environmental impact as it encourages the responsible use of energy and natural resources, the maintenance of biodiversity, the preservation of regional ecological balances, the enhancement of soil fertility, and the maintenance of water quality. Additionally, organic farming rules encourage a high standard of animal welfare and require farmers to meet the specific behavioural needs of animals.
Our certificates
Fairtrade certified
Fairtrade is a global movement which supports environmental sustainability, global fair trade as well as better working and living conditions for small farmers und workers. It is committed to the development of environmental friendly organic farming, to trainings about the responsible use of water, to a ban on many harmful pesticides and offers help for adapting to the effects of climate change. In addition, Fairtrade encourages women to take on a leadership role in their respective organisations and supports the equal participation by women in society.